Movies and TV series about Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

BtcTurk | Global
3 min readSep 9, 2022


Bitcoin has evolved into a subculture. It’s a subject of fascination for many industries and is something people around the world are thinking about every day. If you look in the right places, you’ll find Bitcoin referenced extensively — from art to finance, from mathematics to philosophy. Bitcoin has seeped into the arts, becoming the subject of many movies and TV series. In this article, you’ll find some movies and television series that cover Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies’ unique features from a different perspective.

Billions (2016)

Billions consisted of six seasons over seven years, telling the story of an investment firm, its owners and prosecutors and lawyers representing the local city. The series’ main character is Bobby Axelrod, the owner of the investment firm. Over the course of the show, Axelrod makes payments in cryptocurrency and gains profit through different cryptocurrency-related projects. The series sees Bitcoin mining covered extensively.

Bitcoin fans responded well to the series. Expressing joy that Bitcoin mining and the politics surrounding miners were covered in a mainstream production.

Chuck Rhoades, New York City prosecutor, questions a Bitcoin miner in the series. “So a lot of computers and servers can solve some abstract mathematical equations that result in Bitcoin mining, and it’s worth millions right now? Wow! But what is Bitcoin backed by, what is it indexed to? Nothing, zero.” he says.

The Bitcoin miner responds, “What’s the dollar backed by, since we went off the gold standard?’, rolling out one of the counterarguments commonly put to Bitcoin critics.

It’s no surprise that this series, where Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are extensively discussed at points, was included in our list. Especially with dialogue that goes in-depth about the philosophy of Bitcoin.

Decrypted (2021)

Decrypted, directed by Tom Sands, is a comedy film that tells the story of a government group that attempts to track down Satoshi Nakamoto. In the movie, the NSA, the American National Security Agency, enlists a team of secret agents to find Satasho Nakamoto.

Dope (2015)

Dope is a comedy and drama film directed by Rick Famuyiwa. The protagonist of the movie, Malcolm, is an ambitious person who dreams of attending Harvard. The movie is about Malcolm’s life changing after a party he attends in LA.

Crypto Stew (2019)

Crypto Stew is a short film directed by Sean Russell Herman. The film tells the story of Stew Johnson, a self-styled Bitcoin miner, and filmmaker Colby Peters, whom Stew hires to make the film. The movie is about Colby slowly realising how little Stew actually knows about Bitcoin mining.

Finding Satoshi Nakamoto (2015)

Finding Satoshi Nakamoto is a short film written and directed by Mike Anzel. The film is about two New York journalists who think they may have found Satoshi Nakamoto. The viewer is left guessing throughout the movie as to whether they have the genuine Satashi Nakamoto.

Crypto vs. Metals (2017)

Crytpto vs. Metals is an animated mini-series. The series is about the search for an alternative financial system. It addresses many of the limitations and issues of our current financial system.



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